The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend: A Must-Read Isekai Manga

The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend


Are you a fan of isekai manga that combines heartwarming stories with hilarious humor? Look no further than “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend.” In this captivating manga series, written by Arata Aki and illustrated by Youta, you’ll embark on an adventure filled with magic, friendship, and self-discovery. Join Haru, a banished wizard on a quest for acceptance, as he explores a world full of wonder and encounters unforgettable characters. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key highlights of this manga, from its genre and storytelling to its well-crafted characters and why it’s a must-read for manga enthusiasts.

Genre and Storytelling

“The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” falls under the genre of fantasy, isekai, adventure, and comedy. It transports readers to a fictional world, with Haru as the protagonist, who was banished from his village by his childhood friend turned hero, Leticia. Determined to learn more about magic and find acceptance, Haru embarks on a journey across the world. The manga blends adventure and comedy, offering readers an engaging and entertaining narrative that keeps them hooked from start to finish.

The story unfolds with Haru facing the pressures and expectations of being a wizard in his village. However, his childhood friend Leticia, now a renowned hero, banishes him. This turning point sets Haru on a path of self-discovery as he decides to travel the world in search of acceptance and knowledge about magic. As Haru explores new lands and encounters various magical beings, readers are treated to an exciting and unpredictable storyline.

Well-Developed Characters

Character development is a strength of the manga. Haru, the banished sage, is a relatable protagonist. Readers will find themselves rooting for him as he faces challenges and seeks his place in the world. His determination and perseverance in the face of adversity make him an endearing character.

Leticia, Haru’s childhood friend, adds complexity to the story. As a hero, Leticia grapples with her own struggles and responsibilities. The dynamic between Haru and Leticia evolves throughout the manga, offering insights into their past friendship and the reasons behind Leticia’s actions.

Along Haru’s journey, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, each contributing to his growth and providing moments of both laughter and warmth. Whether it’s the charming princess who joins him on his travels or the mischievous fairies he encounters, each character brings a unique perspective and adds depth to the story.

Humor and Heartwarming Moments

fantasy manga
Humor and Heartwarming Moments

Prepare to be entertained by the manga’s well-crafted humor. Through witty dialogue and situational comedy, “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” delivers laugh-out-loud moments that lighten the overall tone of the story. Haru’s encounters with eccentric characters and his own bumbling yet endearing personality create comedic situations that are sure to bring a smile to your face.

While humor is a prominent aspect, the manga also excels at delivering heartwarming moments. The relationships Haru builds along his journey, his personal growth, and the underlying theme of acceptance create touching and memorable scenes. These moments tug at your heartstrings, showcasing the emotional depth of the manga.

Comparison to Other Isekai Manga

“The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” has drawn comparisons to other popular isekai manga series, such as “Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World” and “The Rising of the Protector Hero. The journey to a foreign universe, fascinating experiences, and interesting character relationships are all common features in this manga. However, “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” offers a unique twist with its comedic approach, adding a fresh perspective to the isekai genre.

Artwork and Visual Appeal

In addition to its compelling storytelling, “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” captivates readers with its visually appealing artwork. Youta’s illustrations bring the characters and the world they inhabit to life. The attention to detail in the character designs, magical landscapes, and action sequences enhances the overall reading experience. The expressive artwork effectively conveys the emotions of the characters, adding depth and authenticity to their interactions.

As readers dive into the manga, they’ll be treated to beautifully illustrated panels that effortlessly convey the humor, warmth, and excitement of the story. The artwork elevates the narrative, making each page visually engaging and a joy to behold.

fantasy manga
The Banished Sage Who Escaped

Themes of Acceptance and Self-Discovery

At its core, “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” explores themes of acceptance and self-discovery. Haru’s journey resonates with readers as he navigates a world that initially rejected him. Through his encounters with various characters, Haru learns valuable lessons about embracing one’s true self and finding acceptance in unexpected places. This overarching theme adds depth and relatability to the story, making it more than just a lighthearted comedy.

Readers are likely to connect with Haru’s personal growth and the challenges he faces along the way. The manga encourages readers to reflect on their own journey of self-discovery and acceptance, making it a compelling and meaningful read beyond its entertaining qualities.

Impact and Critical Reception

“The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” has garnered positive reviews from both readers and critics alike. Its blend of humor, heartwarming moments, and well-developed characters has struck a chord with audiences. The manga’s ability to balance comedy and emotional depth has been praised as a refreshing take on the isekai genre.

Fans of other popular isekai manga series, such as “Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World” and “The Rising of the Shield Hero,” have found enjoyment in “fantasy manga” The series offers a unique perspective and stands out for its comedic approach, making it a standout choice for fans of the genre.

The Banished Sage
Impact and Critical Reception

Where to Read

English-speaking fans can rejoice as “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” has been translated by Seven Seas Entertainment. You can find the English version of the manga in print or digital format, ensuring easy accessibility for readers worldwide. Online platforms such as Manga Plus and MangaDex also provide options to read this captivating series.

The manga is currently available in four volumes, with each volume contributing to the overarching story. The consistent release of volumes allows readers to dive deep into the enchanting world of “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend”.


With its genre-blending narrative, lovable characters, humor, and heartwarming moments, “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” is a must-read manga for fans of isekai, comedy, and heartwarming stories. Arata Aki’s skillful storytelling, combined with Youta’s captivating artwork, creates an immersive experience that will keep readers engaged from the first page to the last.

Looking for an escape into a magical world? A story that brings laughter or touches your heart? ‘fantasy manga’ delivers it all. Join Haru on his quest for acceptance, self-discovery, and magical adventures that will leave you eagerly anticipating each new volume.

So, don’t miss out on the enchanting world of “isekai manga” Get a copy now and enjoy a journey of laughter, heartfelt moments, and friendship.


I want to read the manga “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend,” where can I do that?

Read ‘fantasy manga’ online on platforms like Manga Plus and MangaDex. You can also find the English translation in printed volumes from publishers like Seven Seas Entertainment.

How many volumes of “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” are currently available?

As of July 2023, “isekai manga” has been collected into four volumes. Each volume contributes to the ongoing story and character development.

Who is the author and artist of “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend”?

The manga is written by Arata Aki and illustrated by Youta. Arata Aki is known for their work in other manga series. The World of Otome Games is Difficult for Mobs and The Hero Who Returned Remaining a Sage are two examples. Youta has illustrated other manga series, including “isekai manga” “The Hero Who Returned Remains a Sage” is another manga series Youta has illustrated.

Which genre would you classify “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” as?

“The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” belongs to the genres of fantasy, isekai, adventure, and comedy. It combines elements of a fictional world, magical adventures, and humorous situations to create an engaging and entertaining reading experience.

How does “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” compare to other isekai manga?

People compare “isekai manga” to popular isekai manga series. The Rise of the Shield Hero and Re:Zero: Beginning Life in Another Planet are a couple of instances. This manga blends familiar isekai elements with a comedic twist, offering a fresh and distinct storytelling.

Is there a sequel to “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend”?

Yes, “The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend” is an ongoing manga series. As of July 2023, the story continues, with authors releasing new chapters periodically.

What age group is the manga suitable for?

“isekai manga” is generally suitable for a wide range of readers, including teenagers and adults. Fans of various age groups can enjoy the elements of humor, adventure, and character development it contains.

For accurate and up-to-date information about the manga, consult official sources like the publisher’s website or the manga’s online platforms.